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Your request to link to UniProt for Corticotropin releasing factor receptor 2

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
Q13324Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2B2R967 B3SXS6 B3SXS7 B3SXS8 B3SXT0 F8WA81 O43461 Q4QRJ4 Q99431Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 28420600010
Q13324Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2B2R967 B3SXS6 B3SXS7 B3SXS8 B3SXT0 F8WA81 O43461 Q4QRJ4 Q99431Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 28420600010
Q13324Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2B2R967 B3SXS6 B3SXS7 B3SXS8 B3SXT0 F8WA81 O43461 Q4QRJ4 Q99431Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 28420600010